The Bear and his Scarf is not just a beautiful story; it is above all a message to the parents. The book tells the story of father and son Bear, Club Bruges’ mascot, going to a soccer game together for the first time. In the woods, they meet rabbit, forest owl, zebra and a bunch of other animals. These are, not uncoincidentally, mascots for other soccer clubs. All the animals wear distinctive coloured scarfs. This makes them very different from each other, at least so they think. Slowly, and through discussion, Papa Bear and the other animals come to realise that they have much more in common than initially assumed. They all love soccer and yet prefer their colours. And it is this that makes all supporters the same.
The Bear and his Scarf, that’s the title of the children’s book, is a story about Club love. But much more than that it is a story about club love, with a lower-case c.

From print to digital: an interactive story.
One of the challenges was to use technology to reach an even broader audience. Turn the book into a truly digital storytelling experience. Check it out on